Friday, April 30, 2010

Love One Another ...

John 13:33-35 - Jesus said, "Just as I have loved you,, you also should love one another." The context is the last supper - we know what happens next. But should it inform how we read this commandment? Are we really supposed to die for each other? And even if we are, can we set that aside to think about the more common, everyday things we can do to love each other.

It is suggested that the NRSV translation of "you also should love one another" would be better translated "so that you can love one another" How might that alter our understanding of this passage?

In any case, how is it we love one another?
What do we do?
And what do we do if we do not want to?
Is it ever harmful to love another?
Much to think about ...

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Fishing, Peter & Jesus

John 21:1-14
The disciples, having gone back to fishing for fish, suddenly encounter Jesus again. And there are several opportunities for response:
- Put your nets out on the other side of the boat.
- It's the Lord!
- Come and eat!

What would you have done?
I think Jesus issues those same kinds of invitations today.
What do we do now?

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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Life in Jesus' Name

John 20:19-31
This week, we will be reading the story of Jesus' appearance to the disciples (minus Thomas), then again when Thomas is present. There is lots to be said about doubt and faith, but I suspect most of it has been said. What catches my attention this year, is the very last line of the passage "... and that through believing you may have life in his [Jesus'] name."

What does life in Jesus' name look like?

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