Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Long Obedience ... The Practice of Work

"Take your everyday, ordinary life - your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life - and place it before God as an offering." (Romans 12:1 - The Message)

Paul suggests that all the work we do ought to be an offering to God; not just our Christian service, but all of our work. In my mind, this makes all of our work into ministry. Not just our mission work - and not just those easily identifiable "ministry-type" vocations like teaching and nursing - but all of our work. I hear him including the work we do for pay in the public workplace, the work we do as volunteers in any arena, and the work we do in private for family and friends.

Do you think about your work this way?
In what way is your work ministry?
In what way is your work service to God?
In what way is your work service to others?

What difference does it make to you to begin to think about work this way?

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Saturday, February 6, 2010

And finally ... not without grace!

So - this is the last piece of this conversation about belonging ...
We belong to God - to each other - all together ... but not without grace!
This is hard to separate from the piece about love -
If we love one another, should that not overcome all the sruggles of being in community? But I think we know from experience, it might not.
It also takes grace - God's grace!
What do you think?

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